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Welcome to the I Am Royalty Conference!
You Are A Royal Priesthood
 Thank you for joining the women of Hope Everlasting Ministry for our 1st Women of Virtue Conference
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We are here today proclaiming the excellencies of Him who has called you out of darkness into His marvelous light!


If you have any questions concerning registration contact Erica Mills (205) 566-3838.

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Praise and Worship


       1. Lady LaTanya Jordan >

       2. Charnita Horton >

       3. Mother Marguerite Parker >

Special Presentation

Closing Remarks

Order Of Program

Aug 20, 8:30 AM – 11:30 AM CDT

Trussville Civic Center, 5381 Trussville Clay Rd


The Mistress of Ceremony is Minister Tarsha Scott. The order of the program is listed below.

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PASTOR DERRICK D. JORDAN & Lady LaTanya G_edited.png
Lady LaTanya Jordan

Featured Keynote Speaker

I am LaTanya Gooden Jordan, wife of Dr. Derrick D. Jordan and mother of two beautiful young ladies Alexis and Abigail.  I am so many things all rolled up into this body. Most of all I  am a child of the most high God.  

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Speaker 1
Charnita Horton
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After working in corporate America for more than 3 years, I took a step out on faith that would be crucial to my growth in discovering who I was. That step showed me just how much strength and courage I possessed and led me to walking away from what many considered an ideal situation, to trust God and start my own Business. I have always been a go-getter; I did whatever it took to get what I wanted. Unlike many, this trait has served me well in not only my personal life, but my professional career as well. With a degree in Business and Human Resource Management and all the confidence I needed in my abilities, I was ready to dive head-first into entrepreneurship. 


I’m regarded as a woman of many talents! I’m a real estate and private investor, life and business coach, licensed broker, credit specialist, motivational speaker, and business owner. I am also a certified affiliate of Vernon Street Capital. I am fully equipped with the tools and resources to help individuals to access outside capital to fund investments or to serve as working capital. 


Under these many hats, is a Birmingham bred wife and mother of 3, who enjoys traveling. I am very passionate about giving back to my community and seeing others become successful. 


Living by the phrase, “PUSH THE BUTTON”, I believe that every single person has a button to success and when he or she pursues purpose, success will inevitably be birthed! With many successful businesses and events, Despite my full schedule and responsibilities, I always manage to keep a jovial and powerful spirit that gives those around me the confidence to trust my expertise. I’m a force to be reckoned with, if I say so myself!

Featured Keynote Speaker

Speaker 2
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Minister Marguerite Parker is an Alabama native who accepted Christ into her life as a young girl. She is an ordained Minister and Evangelist who holds an associate degree from the Southeast Bible College in Birmingham, Alabama. She is, without a doubt, a veteran on the Gospel field for Jesus Christ and a humble and anointed servant of God.

Minister Parker has five children—four girls and a son who passed away in 2014. She has 10 grandchildren and 5 great-grandchildren, all of whom know how passionate she is about ministry. She is a woman who loves God, God’s people, and His Word. Minister Parker enjoys family time; relaxing, reading, and learning whatever she can about the Gospel to share with others. She enjoys teaching the Word of God and does so boldly and without compromise. She has purposed by faith and through the Word of God to encourage women to be the vessels of honor God has created them to be.

Minister Parker is currently one of the Ministers at Hope Everlasting Ministries under the leadership of Pastor Derrick Jordan. She exemplifies the Great Commission of Jesus Christ, which is found in Matthew 28:18-20. She has been gifted with a spirit of distinction and commitment, believing that God will get the glory from her life as a soldier in His army and from sharing the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Mother Marguerite Parker

Featured Keynote Speaker

Speaker 3
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